Cube World Mods

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Cairenn 07-28-13 10:59 PM

Welcome! Please feel free to introduce yourself!
Welcome everyone! We are very excited to be able to open the doors on Cube World Mods!

I'll go ahead and start. Many of you will know me from our other sites, but for the rest of you:

Hi, my name is Cairenn. I am one of the founders and admins on our group of sites. We (myself & Dolby) have been running modification sites for the MMORPG community since 2002. We currently have 8 sites with this being our 9th, covering 10 games. You can find links to our other sites in the footer at the bottom of the page.

Before anyone asks - yes I am an honest-to-goodness female. Still somewhat of a rarity in the MMORPG world I know, but there are some of us around. I've been a fan of "modding" ever since my introduction to it with EverQuest and my enjoyment of the communities that we create for those of like interests has only continued to grow over the years that I've been involved with it. I am the 'face' of the site, taking care of all of the front end requirements on a site like this; taking care of you guys (our authors and users), being the liaison between our sites and the respective game companies, etc.

So, enough about me. Allow me to take this moment to give you a brief introduction to my partner in crime. Dolby is the other founder and administrator on the site. He's the one that takes care of all of the coding and such needed to keep the site running smoothly.

Everyone, please do feel free to say "hi" and introduce yourselves.

Dolby 07-30-13 02:14 PM

Hi every one!

I'm the guy behind the scenes working on the site code and servers.

Brian 07-30-13 02:34 PM

Why hello there, I'm Brian or known as Hurley on Cube World Forums. I'm also proud to say I am the first Mod Uploader :)

Cairenn 07-30-13 02:41 PM

You are indeed. Welcome to the site! :)

Kail 07-30-13 03:00 PM

Hello there, I am Kail4012 from the Cube World forums.
I am really excited about the possibilities and the innovation that this site will encourage! A massive thanks to whoever put in the man-power to get it up and running.

It's really awesome!

Cairenn 07-30-13 03:05 PM

Hey Kail! Great to see you here. Check your PMs on Youtube when you have a few minutes, please? :)

Xaverin 07-30-13 03:59 PM

Hey everyone I'm Xaverin, I come from the Cube World Forums.
I'm not very experienced in modding, although I've been working at it for a couple weeks.
Glad to be here :D

Cairenn 07-30-13 04:46 PM

Welcome to the site Xaverin! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. :)

Notuger 07-30-13 05:24 PM

Introducing myself!
Hey guys, my name is Gabriel but people in the CWF calls me notuger, i'm one of the first modders there and i'm grateful to help anyone with problems! I have a pack and i'm planning to launch the Armors Overhaul!

I don't really speak english (dont need to be so harsh with me)


Carmine 07-30-13 05:26 PM

Hi! I am carmine! Also known as botboy10 on the cube world forums!
I'm sort of new to the modding, But i will get better. ^-^

Cairenn 07-30-13 05:35 PM

Welcome Notuger and Carmine! :)

Gasmer 07-30-13 05:44 PM

Hello I am Gasmer i come from the CWF i have about 6 cub mods and still working on more Im glad we have sites like these to post our stuff!!

Cairenn 07-30-13 05:45 PM

We're glad that you use us to do so. :)

Notuger 07-30-13 06:06 PM

The only thing that is killing me is the writing format for images and stuff, I need to rewrite everything :/

Cairenn 07-30-13 06:26 PM

Yeah, that can get annoying, sorry. =/

Carmine 07-30-13 06:28 PM

Hey cairenn, This is an odd question, But why does it say you joined 2004, When cube world wasn't out back then?

Cairenn 07-30-13 06:30 PM

Lol, that's carry over from our other sites. It's actually wrong, really I've been running these sites since 2002. :D

Dolby 07-30-13 06:48 PM

She was part of the early early pre-pre-pre-alpha back in 2004 :D

Cirhsyl 07-30-13 07:24 PM

Hello there, I'm Cirhsyl, from CWF... Or well, from a single thread on Cube World forums. Don't really do anything on any other threads.

I use Cirhsyl for damn near everything, so if you want to get in contact, you can follow the link in my sig, or just put up a Google search of "Cirhsyl"

I mostly focus on sound mods, and I'm not very good at editing in general, but I'm always up for some challenges, so I'll give it my best at any suggestions people have. I do have a selection of models though, they will be put up soon 'nuff

I have near no life, so I will most likely be active here almost all the time, or if not here, I'm /ALWAYS/ active on my Facebook, linked below.

I like a lot of things that will cause arguments, so I'm not going to list them...

I am male, though I always set myself as female where ever possible.
I set myself as female because I /really/ don't want to be male, I try to push myself away from it at every turn possible.

I am VERY open, so I will answer everything sent my way, if I actually get it. All my mods can be found spread across various sites, software and much more, but they will be here soon.

Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I tend to operate at 2 in the morning, or times near that, since it's when I've got the most free time.

Thank you for reading, and I bid you farewell. <3 ^-^

Cairenn 07-30-13 07:29 PM

Welcome to the site Cirhsyl. Thanks for a great introduction to yourself. :)

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