AddOn/Project leaders can access the Team Manager from the Edit/Update AddOn screen.
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When you go to your edit/update screen, under the Additional Options, you will see the Team Manager section.
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Clicking on the button will open a popup window. When you are first setting up the team, you will see the following:
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If you have team members already in place, you will see this:
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(The only real difference between the two is the wording.)
From there you can add or remove team members. AddOn/Project leaders will also be able to see an upload log, showing which team members have uploaded which updates and when.
Click to see full sized image.
There is a toggle in the top right corner of the popup window that switches between the team member management screen and the upload log. (I've outlined it in red on both screenshots.)
Team members will be able to see which projects they are members of under their list.php screen.
Click to see full sized image.
Only the AddOn/Project leaders can add members to or remove members from the project. Obviously you should only give project access to those you trust.