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Updated: 08-02-13 12:12 PM
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Updated:08-02-13 12:12 PM
Created:08-02-13 12:12 PM
Obsidian Armor + Horse/Alicorn
Version: 1
by: Koru [More]
The armor is the actual in-game Obsidian armor. You'll need to edit whatever gloves, chest armor, and boots you want to use and change the material to 5. That will rename it and make it take on the Obsidian look. Same goes for the sword.

The shield replaces iron-shield5-random5. Thats the final tier of the X shaped Iron Shield. You'll probably need to up the rarity of an X shaped shield that you already have, or add one in with Cheat Engine.

The helmet replaces undead-head-m06, so you'll have to be a bald Undead to use it. And you'll randomly have male Undead with this helm. I think that's cool, but that's just me. I'd also suggest you remove all the voxels from the male Undead hair as it will look odd on them otherwise and I think male Undead look best bald anyway.
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