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Mighty_Demon 05-25-16 01:45 AM

Deep modding.
Already more than three years i keep creating models (the last ones, by the way, are really awesome). But today i wondered, how to modify ingame object instead of its model. Let's imagine, that i have certain model, which have some glowing elements (for example, candles). And i want to give glow effect to this object, that is set distance and color for glow. But way, how to do it, is unknown for me. I hope, you will explain, how to do it. And if you will help me with it, then it will be very useful for other users, who wants to modify this game deeper.

Mr Red 05-07-17 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mighty_Demon (Post 2113)
Already more than three years i keep creating models (the last ones, by the way, are really awesome). But today i wondered, how to modify ingame object instead of its model. Let's imagine, that i have certain model, which have some glowing elements (for example, candles). And i want to give glow effect to this object, that is set distance and color for glow. But way, how to do it, is unknown for me. I hope, you will explain, how to do it. And if you will help me with it, then it will be very useful for other users, who wants to modify this game deeper.

I think that it would be great to be able to delve deeper into the coding of Cube World and create stuff, edit effects, but mainly I would wish to make content, the game has a lot of potential content but that content has no direction. Stories would be great to implement if only new stuff could be made for the game - Which kind of sucks because Wollay said he didn't want any mod support. Texture packs and such can be made rather easily, but I feel like it would be amazing to create playable content. Since Cube World is sort of modeled like a midway point between a Bethesda game and an MMO, I feel like hard modding the game or making a full conversion could sort of fit, it really is something that needs to be looked towards. Suppose I'm naive about that though, in a lot of ways, it'd probably be pretty hard to.

DarrelNel 03-15-18 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Refd (Post 2118)
I think that it would be great to be able to delve deeper into the coding of Cube World and create stuff, edit effects, but mainly I would wish to make content, the game has a lot of potential content but that content has no direction. Stories would be great to implement if only new stuff could be made for the game - Which kind of sucks because Wollay said he didn't want any mod support. Texture packs and such can be made rather easily, but I feel like it would be amazing to create playable content. Since Cube World is sort of modeled like a midway point between a Bethesda game and an MMO, I feel like hard modding the game or making a full conversion could sort of fit, it really is something that needs to be looked towards. Suppose I'm naive about that though, in a lot of ways, it'd probably be pretty hard to.

I think you're spot on, Mr Red. It would be hard, but it might be worth it looking into this and figuring it out.

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